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Butler County, KDHE, to Continue Free Testing & Vaccination Thru March

Butler County, KDHE, to Continue Free Testing & Vaccination Thru March

Butler County, KDHE, to Continue Free Testing & Vaccination Thru March


The Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Butler County Health Department will continue to provide free COVID-19 PCR testing and vaccination through the month of March.

Services will be offered every Wednesday in March from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Andover Police Dept. at 909 N. Andover Rd.

No appointment is necessary and no insurance is required. If you need to be tested, you must not have anything to eat, drink or smoke 15 minutes prior to tsting.

The Pfizer vaccine will be available for thos aged 5 and up, Moderna for residents 18 years and older, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for those 18 and up.

Call 211 with any questions or visit www.BucoKs.com/760/COVID-19-Resource-Page

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