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Wichita City Council approves plan for redevelopment of former refinery site

Wichita City Council approves plan for redevelopment of former refinery site

Wichita City Council approves plan for redevelopment of former refinery site

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  • Wichita City Council approves plan for redevelopment of former refinery site

Wichita City Council members voted Tuesday to approve a project plan for the redevelopment of a former refinery site in the north part of the city.

A development group plans to work on 115 acres near 21st Street North and I-135, the former El Paso Refinery.   The project will include one million square-feet of warehouses, manufacturing and transit facilities over the next ten years.   The development has the potential to create nearly 400 direct jobs, and possible creation of another 800 jobs.

Mark Elder with the city’s Office of Economic Development said a tax financing district will help with costs involved in dealing with contamination at the site.  The developer will have to meet certain requirements during construction and there will be limits on the type of development that can take place.  There are also requirements to maintain wells and monitors on the site.    The tax district will provide for needed public improvements, and 21st Street may have to be improved to provide access to the site.  Traffic signals may also be needed at the location.    The tax district will provide for almost $6 million in infrastructure improvements along with $1.8 million in site preparation.

Andrew Nave, vice president of the Greater Wichita Partnership, said a project like this is needed to meet supply and demand for facilities to attract new industries and help existing industries that need more space.


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